Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Whitley Bay

Funeral Flowers

At Whitley Bay Florist, we understand that losing a family member, friend, or loved one is never easy. Flowers can be a meaningful way to express your condolences during this difficult time.

Our Funeral Tributes range includes a wide selection of flowers, from simple and elegant bouquets, pillows, and funeral tributes to sprays, wreaths, and personalised letter tributes. We recognize the sensitivity and importance of the occasion, and our team of florists will personally and professionally create your funeral flowers, delivering them across Whitley Bay and the surrounding areas.

If you wish to discuss your particular requirements, please call 07496 345264 – we're here to help.

Florists Choice Open Wreath
Tied Sheaf SYM-338
Tied Sheaf SYM-337
Funeral Flowers SYM-336
Funeral Flowers SYM-335
Funeral Flowers SYM-334
Cushion SYM-333
Pillow SYM-331
Heart SYM-325
Wreath SYM-320
Tied Sheaf SYM-339
Letters SYM-341